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 Attacking your own camp

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2 participants

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Attacking your own camp Empty
MessageSujet: Attacking your own camp   Attacking your own camp Icon_minitimeMer 26 Déc - 18:04

Hi there,

I've a friend at my place for a week and we are fervently playing SH. We came to a problem in mission XI where marines can use power field generators (PFG). Indeed if used in the center square of a crossroads, a PFG can delay genestealers in a corridor for 3 whole turns. My question is : if genestealers are queuing up behind a PFG, and the first one destroy the PFG (after 2 turns of attacking it), would it be possible for the genestealer behind it to attack and kill it to then be able to move on, hence not losing a whole turn doing nothing .
To say it in a nutshell, are genestealers allowed to attack each other? It doesn't say they can't in the rulebook, and in my opinion it fits the hive mind spirit. What do you guys think?

OUps pour les non anglophones, la question en gros c'est peut-on attaquer son propre camp? je pense que ca présente un intérêt pour les genestealers seulement, mais est-ce possible?
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Messages : 151

Attacking your own camp Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Attacking your own camp   Attacking your own camp Icon_minitimeJeu 27 Déc - 13:22

Il me semble que ce n'est pas prévu dans les règles de base, donc non ce n'est pas possible.
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